When Does ‘The 100’ Return for Season 4?

When does The 100 return for Season 4? (Diyah Pera/The CW)

Tonight is the season 3 finale of The 100. It’s been a roller-coaster ride for fans this season. They were elated when Lexa and Clarke finally got together and admitted their feelings for each other, but then they were devastated when Lexa was senselessly killed. Fans were also upset about how the Lincoln storyline turned out and weren’t sure what to think when Indra seemingly disappeared for a while. (Find out what’s going on with Indra and take our poll about her here.) But now, this crazy ride is about to end. The show was renewed, despite Clexa fans’ wondering if it would survive that one heart-wrenching episode. But fans are going to have to wait a long time before they can watch Season 4.

Here’s what we know so far.

We don’t have an exact date yet for when The 100 Season 4 will begin. But what we do know is that it’s coming back a lot later than fans were wanting. Despite being renewed, The 100 is not on CW’s recently released schedule for Fall 2016. Although shows like Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, and The Vampire Diaries will be returning in the fall, The 100 will not.

Instead, The 100 will be returning as a mid-season show, just like it did this year. For season 3, The 100 started on January 21, 2016. It’s likely that CW will choose a similar date in late January to premiere season 4 of The 100 in 2017.

Fans have speculated that The 100 is premiered in the mid-season because fans prefer to watch episodes consecutively, rather than having several weeks at a time when the show is on a break. Although TV Guide reported that this midseason push would mean The 100 will have a shorter season 4, this likely isn’t accurate. The 100 always has shorter seasons compared to other series. Season 1 was just 13 episodes and Season 2 and 3 were 16 episodes each. Season 3 remained 16 episodes, despite not premiering until midseason on January 21, 2016.

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With the season 3 finale of The 100 airing tonight, when can fans expect The 100 to return? Find out when season 4 of The 100 will start.